Wednesday, April 8, 2009

30 weeks

I am now 30 weeks along and that means ten more weeks, 70 days. I am now feeling that I don't have enough time, but I think that as soon as I am done being so busy working and going to school I will be able to finish things. I really don't have much to say at this point, so this will be short and sweet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yeah! It's almost time!

I am now 28 weeks along, and have had my glucose challenge test and my rh- shot. I now have to go to the doctor every two weeks instead of once a month. I am starting to get swelling in my feet and hands, and have alot of back pain. I also have been working on his bedroom stuff. I have gotten the bumper pad and the mobil done. I am so excited.
For those who don't know I will be having two showers. The one for my family and friends will be on May 16 at my mom's church and the one for Steven's side of the family will be on May 17, at Jane's house. I am getting a different crib. Martha bought one for her house and it is more of what I wanted in the first place, so she is going to switch me. She and Eva will be bringing it up on thurs, and then we will have a day of baby shopping. We are going to move everything out of the room this week also and start setting up the baby's room. Steven's cousin, Nathan is going to build me a changing station to match the crib. Now if I can talk him into a dresser, even though I already have one, it doesn't match. Until next time, keep me in your prayers. Thanks.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stuff to do while waiting!

So far I am really tired of waiting for the baby to get here. I just keep trying to come up with things to get done before he gets here. I got a bunch of baby clothes from a friend, I am so grateful. I bought some dreft so that I could start washing them and puttin them away. That stuff is expensive. 10 something for 32 loads. CRAZY!!!! As we speak they are in the washer. I went to the doctor yesterday and he didn't have much do say, we just listened to the heartbeat and made our next apointment. I have to have to blood sugar test and the shot that will keep my blood from reacting with the baby's, because I am rh negative or something like that. Any way the appiontment will last an hour instead of just a few minutes.
I got the stuff to do the room in and I also got a new sewing machine to make it on. I am very excited about that. My old one would shock me every time I used it. I went to get the car seat that I wanted and they were out of stock. I guess I will just wait until closer to time. Who knows someone might get me one at a shower, you never know. Well, my laundry is done so I must attend to that. Talk to you soon.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ok! Lets get started.

This is the first time that I have tried blogging. I may or may not like it. I will start out with just a little about me. I am 22 years old and I have been married for almost a year now. I am going to school for culinary arts. I hope to one day be a caterer. I absolutely love to make fancy food and make a pretty presentation, such as buffets and tables. This semester I am taking a food prep class and a hospitality class.

I found out that I was pregnant on October 20, 2008. Since then I have had three doctors visits, two ultrasounds. I heard the baby's heart beat on Jan 23, 2009. Also on this day we found out that we were having a baby boy. Early on we decided that we would name him Noah Ryan Harmon. On Feb 1, 2009 I felt the baby move for the first time. This was superbowl sunday and I was at the party at Steve and Martha's.

So far Noah is pretty spoiled and has alot of stuff already. His grandparents are very excited and show this by buying everything in sight. I am planning on doing his nursery in music notes with yellow, white, grey and black accents. I know this sounds dark and weary, but it really isn't. it is very cute and bright. Well I guess that is all for now.